
February 13, 2025
8:00AM - 9:00AM PST

Label Comprehension, FIFRA, and Environmental Stewardship

Virtual Event

Meeting to be held virtually


Course Description

This one-hour virtual workshop, led by an EPA representative, provides pest management professionals with an in-depth understanding of pesticide labels and their connection to environmental stewardship. By exploring the regulatory framework of FIFRA, the role of the EPA, and integrated pest management (IPM) principles, this session emphasizes how proper label comprehension and responsible pesticide use protect the environment and uphold industry standards.

Through the lens of a sample pesticide label, participants will also gain practical insights into essential safety topics, including personal protective equipment (PPE), transportation and storage, disposal, and spill response.

Key Areas Covered:

  1. FIFRA and EPA Role:

    • Overview of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).
    • Understanding the EPA's role in pesticide regulation and enforcement.
    • Legal and environmental implications of compliance.
  2. Label Interpretation and Practical Application:

    • Decoding key label components: signal words, usage restrictions, application directions, and environmental precautions.
    • How to integrate label instructions with IPM practices for effective pest control.
  3. Environmental Stewardship:

    • Promoting industry stewardship by safeguarding pollinators, waterways, and non-target organisms.
    • The importance of adhering to label guidelines to mitigate environmental risks.
  4. Safety Protocols (within Label Context):

    • Understanding PPE requirements and ensuring proper use.
    • Safe transportation and storage of pesticide products.
    • Correct disposal of pesticides and containers.
    • Best practices for responding to spills and accidents, including cleanup and reporting.

Target Audience

Pest management professionals, including technicians, supervisors, and business owners, committed to enhancing their understanding of pesticide labels, regulatory compliance, and environmental responsibility.




$15 $30


WSDA: 1 credit hour approved. Course Number: 2025-125

ISDA: 1 credit hour approved. Course Number: 2500331

ODA: 1 credit hour approved. Course Number: 79952.



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Marie Hallinen
Pesticides & Toxics Section,
Enforcement & Compliance Assurance Division
U.S. EPA, Region 10

Register Today!

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