
Education Committee

The heart and soul of the WSPMA is brought together through our educational events. To remain successful and relevant with our events, we encourage involvement on the Education Committee from all members. Through our collaboration, we can continue to best serve our membership through education. All Members are encouraged to become engaged with Education Committee, if you are interested in participating, reach out to

Education Committee 310 X 250 Px


The Professional Women in Pest Management (PWIPM) Washington chapter was formed in 2022 to support, engage and promote women in the industry. PWIPM is not exclusive to women only; any individual who supports women in the pest management world are welcome to participate. We engage with membership through monthly Zoom calls and have organized a few fundraisers that bring us together. If you are interested in being included on our monthly meetings and events, please let us know!



The National Pest Management Association’s PestVets Unit is committed to engaging veterans in their successful transition to a productive and rewarding career in the pest management industry. Our PestVets liaison works closely with this group and relays information to WSPMA Member companies. For more information on PestVets and how you can support veterans contact
